Two silver pendants on a blue stone; one has a rune design and the other features a leaf. Background includes textured fabric and greenery.

Learn the Viking Runes: Laguz

Water was incredibly important to the Vikings, so itโ€™s not surprising the rune for water – Laguz – appears so frequently in their writings. Laguz refers to the oceans, as well as inland waters and woodland streams. Some say Laguz is shaped like a spindle, the tool the Vikings used to spin wool into thread. The spindle is sacred to Frigga, the Norse Goddess who was said to spin the clouds themselves. 

Understanding Laguz: Historical Examples of Laguz Rune in Use

Laguz appears in three rune poems – the Old Norwegian, the Old Icelandic, and the Anglo-Saxon. All of the poems use Laguz in the sense of water or waterfall, as you can see below.

From the Old Norwegian Rune Poem:

A waterfall is a River which falls from a mountain-side;

but ornaments are of gold.

From the Old Icelandic Rune Poem: 

Water is eddying stream

and broad geysir

and land of the fish.

From the Anglo-Saxon Rune Poem: 

The ocean seems interminable to men,

if they venture on the rolling bark

and the waves of the sea terrify them

and the stallion of the deep heed not its bridle.

What Does it Mean if Laguz Appears When Reading Runes?

To understand what Laguz means, one first must understand what the oceans represented to the Vikings. The boundless waters provided abundance – plentiful fish โ€“ opportunity – the ability to leave oneโ€™s small village to find a world of adventure – and possibilities – for the waves and winds can carry one anywhere. The dark, cold depths held terrifying mysteries as well; in some sense, Laguz reminds us to be wary of the unknown and tentacled. 

When Laguz appears in a reading, it can be a sign to get your emotions under control and focus on what you want to achieve. At the same time, Laguz indicates that your intuition or subconscious mind is trying to get through to you – pay attention to subtle signs or any meaningful dreams you may have. Wisdom can be gained through the process of watching the oceanโ€™s waves. Wear Laguz as a pendant close to your heart when you are taking your ship out from shore and embarking on a new adventure.

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