Learn the Viking Runes: Hagalaz

Hagalaz is the Viking rune for hail – the icy pellets that plummet from the heavens without any notice, crushing crops, breaking objects, injuring people. Nature’s wild forces can bring destruction and upheaval. That’s the lesson of  Hagalaz: we are all vulnerable to things outside of our control. Understanding Hagalaz: Readings from the Rune Poems…

Learn the Viking Runes: Gebo

Generosity and hospitality were very important to the Vikings, who understood that giving and receiving were equally important components in a relationship. Gebo is the Viking rune of gift giving, whether that means material goods or of your talents and service.  Gebo’s form is balanced, stressing the importance of being generous and receiving generosity. To…

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Gaming Outdoors: What are the best places to play DnD?

Stereotypically, all DnD sessions are held in somebody’s parent’s basement. We know that’s not the case. One of the coolest things about role playing games in general is that you can play literally everywhere. Scientists in Antarctica have played DnD, and I’m sure it’s just a matter of time before we hear about the first…

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